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Financial Cost Control

The consulting activity allows you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the company’s financial situation. Continuous data control and monitoring helps improve the quality of the company’s bank credit by analyzing the costs applied by its banks, seeking to improve current economic conditions.

For each location analyzed, a detailed report on the banking situation is processed. The latter optimizes the reading by organizing and interpreting its elements through a clear and simple exposition of costs.

The report is not, and does not replace, an “econometric appraisal” nor does it indicate whether the conditions applied by the Institute are either out of the market or at wear limit. The tool makes it possible to equalize the rates applied by each foster bank, allowing the entrepreneur to take into account the costs he incurs. With the report in hand the company can clearly understand which is the Institute that applies the lowest conditions and can instead discuss with the other banks to adapt the conditions.

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