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redazione piano industriale/business plan

To whom it is addressed

Is addressed to companies that have to draw up an industrial plan and/or a detailed, punctual and analytical financial plan. This is a document summarising the contents and characteristics of an entrepreneurial project (business idea). It is used both for business planning and management and for external communication, in particular towards potential lenders or investors.

The industrial plan-Business Plan is suitable to meet different types of needs:

    • Economic-Financial communication:
      • Forward reporting to shareholders and corporate stakeholders
      • Communication of financial strategies and requirements to credit institutions
      • Request for funding and/or Government grants
    • Analysis and evaluations for management purposes:
      • Verification of sustainability and profitability of new investments
      • Assessment of the financial impact of the launch of new products/services
      • Current and forward-looking analyses of corporate Rating and credit worthiness
      • Verification of forecast trend and financial economic balance downstream of strategies identified